
From Starfy Wiki
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Hi,I am YoshiYoshiYoshi.I am a huge Starfy, Mario, Kirby, and Zelda fan.I have an account on Super Mario Wiki by the same username.I think this wiki needs alot of help.I would like to help it as much as possible.

User Tags

Yoshiyoshiyoshi's Tags
MoesFamily.png This user has a sibling.
Starfypose.jpg This user identifies as male.
Fidofin.png This user likes dogs.
ShurikitDoll.JPG This user likes cats.
StarfyKirby.jpg This user can tell the difference between Starfy and Kirby.
Enemies (7).jpg This KONK user has KONK gotten Konk's speech KONK pattern at least KONK once KONK!
Ronk.jpg This user picks rock!