List of kanji in The Legendary Starfy series

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This is a list of kanji which appear in the The Legendary Starfy series with their readings and meanings.

Densetsu no Starfy kanji

1. 王 【おう】 King

2. 生 【なま】1. Raw, unprocessed; 2. draft (beer), draught

3. 大 【おお】Big, large, great

4. 今 【いま】Now (the present time)

5. 先 【さき】1. Previous, prior, former; 2. point, tip, end, nozzle, head; 3. destination 4. first priority, future, objective, sequel, remainder, other party

6. 行 【ぎょう】 1. Line, row; 2. verse. Commonly appears in 行く and its conjugations (to go).

7. 入 【にゅう】 Go in

8. 回 【かい】(Counter)

9.名 【な】 Name, reputation

10. 当 【とう】 in 当たる【あたる】 it means to be hit, to be successful, to confront, to lie (in direction of), to undertake, to treat, to be equivalent to, to apply to, to be applicable, to be assigned.

11. 出 【で】 Outflow, coming/going out, graduate (of), rising (of sun or moon), one's turn to appear on stage

12. 上 【うえ】Above, over, on top of, up, upper part, summit, surface, far better, higher, (in) authority, as far as.. is concerned, besides, after, emperor, sovereign, upon (examination), influence of (liquor), lord, shogun, superior, my dear (father)

上 【かみ】 Top, head, upper part, upper stream, emperor, a superior, upper part of the body, the above
上 【じょう】1. First volume, 2. superior quality, 3. governmental, imperial, top, best, high class, going up, presenting, showing, aboard a ship or vehicle, from the standpoint of, as a matter of (fact)

13. 下 【した】Under, below, beneath

14. 左 【ひだり】Left, left-hand side

15. 右 【みぎ】 1. Right hand side; 2. above, aforementioned, foregoing, forgoing

16. 人 【じん】 1. Man, person, people

人 【にん or ひと】 Man, person, human being, mankind, people, character, personality, true man, man of talent, adult, other people, messenger, visitor

17. 心 【こころ】 Mind, heart, spirit

心 【しん】 Core, heart, wick, marrow

18. 子 【こ】 Child

19. 知 【ち】 To know, wisdom

20. 水 【みず】Water

21. 分 【ふん】 Minute

分 【ぶん】1. Part, segment, share, ration, 2. Rate; 3. Degree, one's lot, one's status, relation, duty, kind, lot; 4. in proportion to, just as much as

22. 平 【たいら】1. Level, even, flat; 2. Calm, peaceful

23. 和 【わ】Sum, harmony, peace

24. 口 【くち】 Mouth, orifice, opening

25. 中 【なか】 Inside, middle, among

26. 氷 【こおり】Ice, shaved ice

27. 曲 【きょく】Tune, piece of music

28. 止 【とめる】 To stop

止 【やめる】 To stop, to terminate

29. 少 Found in すくない (少ない, sukunai (few)), すこし (少し, sukoshi (a little)), しばらく (shibaraku (a little while))

30. 用 【よう】 Task, business, use

31. 力 【ちから】Force, strength, energy, might, power, agency, authority, influence, vigor, vigour, stress, emphasis, exertions, endeavors, endeavours, efficacy, help, support, good offices, ability, faculty, capability, attainment, means, resources

力 【りょく】 Strength, power

32. 友 【とも】 Friend, companion, pal

33. 正 【せい】 (Logical) true, regular

34. 面 【おもて】Face

面 【つら】 Face, mug, surface, facial features, mask, face guard, side or facet, corner, page
面 【めん】 Face, mug, surface, facial features, mask, face guard, side or facet, corner, page

35. 供 【とも】Accompanying, attendant, companion, retinue

36. 外 【そと】 1. Outside, exterior; 2. open air; 3. other place

外 【ほか】 Other place, the rest

37. 元 【もと】1. Origin, original; 2. former

38. 気 【き】Spirit, mood

39. 付 Used in つける (付ける, tsukeru (attach/join/add/append), づける (付ける, zukeru), つけ (付け, tsuke (fixed/bill/bill of sale), づけ (付け, zuke), つく (付く, tsuku (to adjoin, to be attached, to adhere, to be connected with, to be dyed, to be stained, to be scarred, to be recorded, to start (fires), to follow, to become allied to, to accompany, to study with, to increase, to be added to), づく (付く, zuku), つき (付き, tsuki (attached to, impression, sociality, appearance, furnished with, under, to), づき (付き, zuki)

40. 足【あし】, 【たりる】, 【たす】 Foot

41. 十 【じゅう】 Ten

十 【とお】 Ten

42. 字 【あざ】 Section of village

字 【じ】 Character, hand-writing

43. 押 【おす】, 【おさえる】, おし Push

44. 私 【わたし】I, myself

私 【わたくし】I, myself (polite)

45. 来 【らい】 Since (last month), for (10 days), next (year)

46. 泳 【およぐ】Swim (泳ぐ)

47. 波 【なみ】 Wave

48. 長 【おさ】 Chief, head

49. 近 【ちかい】Nearby, close (近い)

50. 自 Self, oneself. Found in みずから (自ら, mizukara (for oneself, personally)), おのずから (自ずから, onozukara (naturally, as a matter of course), おのずと (自ずと, onozuto (naturally)

51. 海 【うみ】 Sea, ocean, beach

52. 老 【ろう】Old age, age, old people, the old, the aged

53. 使 【し】Messenger

54. 早 【はや】 Already, now, by this time

55. 同 【どう】 The same, the said, ibid.

56. 目 【め】1. Eye, eyeball; 2. eyesight; 3. look; 4. experience; 5. viewpoint; 6. ordinal number suffix

57. 思 【おもう】Think; relating to the mind/heart

58. 天 【てん】 Heaven, sky

59. 現 【あらわ, うつつ】 Present, existing

60. 日 【ひ】 Sun, sunshine, day, day counter, birthday, Japan

Sources: JWPce and Wiktionary

Densetsu no Starfy 2 kanji

Densetsu no Starfy 3 kanji

This game uses first through third year kanji.

First-Year Kanji

1. 中: ちゅう Chuu (middle)

2. 出: しゅつ Shutsu (go out)

3. 上: じょう Jou(Up)

4. 早: はや Haya

5. 入: いる Iru (enter, put in)

6. 生: せい Sei (student)

7. 大: おお- Oo- / たい- Tai-/ だい- Dai-

8. 気: -き -Ki

Second-Year Kanji

1. 行 : い- (Go, Conduct, Line)

2. 今: いま Ima (Now (the present time))

3. 思: し Shi (think)

4. 長: なが Naga, Chou (Long, Head)

5. 回: かい kai

6. 先: さき Saki (Ahead)

7. 心: こころ Kokoro (Heart)

8. 同:  おな-

9. 元: げん- Gen-/ がん- Gan-/ もと Moto-

Third-Year Kanji

1. 平: へい- Hei- (flat, calm)

2. 礼: らい Rai (Etiquette)

3. 予: よ- Yo (In Advance)

4. 氷: こり- Kori (Ice)

Readings and Meanings

1. 思い出: おもいで Omoide (Memory, Recollection)

2. 同じ: おなじ (Same)

3. 早く: はやく Hayaku (early, quickly)

4. 大きい: おおき (Big)

5. 行く: いく (Go)

6. 今回: こんかい Konkai (This Time)

7. 元気: げんき Genki (Good-spirited)

8. 大きい: おおきい Ookii(Big, Large)

Densetsu no Stafy 4 kanji

The Legendary Starfy / Densetsu no Starfy: Taiketsu Daīru Kaizokudan kanji