Treasure Items

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Only in Japan!
This article is related to a game, manga series or other media that has not been released outside Japan. The coverage here may differ from what it would be in an official translation.

For the tune called "Treasure Items" in the Game Boy Advance games see Get Screen (music).

Treasure Items (Japanese: たからもの) is a feature in Densetsu no Starfy and Densetsu no Starfy 2. It shows 45 panels that turn into treasures when they are unlocked. In Densetsu no Starfy 2, the panels are closed Treasure Boxes with a question mark on them at first, while in Densetsu no Starfy, the panels start as simply question marks.

The Treasure Items feature is only available after clearing the game for the first time. Obtaining all Treasure Items is required for the best ending and Staff Roll 2.

In Densetsu no Starfy 3, Starfy and Starly have to collect 42 Evil Crystals to obtain the best ending instead. There is an unused option in Moe's House called "Memories of the Trip", possibly suggesting that something other than Evil Crystals were once planned as collectible things.

In Densetsu no Starfy 4, Starfy and Starly have to collect 36 Answers Cards for the best ending. In The Legendary Starfy, the player has to collect all the treasures and beat Mega Mashtooth again to unlock The Missing Chapter.

Densetsu no Starfy

A completed Treasure Items screen from Densetsu no Starfy

Treasures are added to the Treasure Items screen as Starfy finds them by revisiting past stages. Below is a table showing how many Treasure Items treasures are in each stage.

Stage Number of Treasures
1 Lobber's Cave 3
2 Coral Reef 3
3 Stranded Whale 4
4 Sea of Ice 5
5 Deep Sea 6
6 Sunken Ship 6
7 Undersea Temple 6
8 Sea of Sky 6
9 Pufftop 6

Individual Treasure Items do not have names when they are obtained, as the game says that the player just received a Treasure Item, however, they are given names in the Densetsu no Starfy Nintendo Official Guidebook. One Treasure Item is based on a yellow Game Boy (or possibly a Game Boy Color) and another is a green hat resembling Luigi's cap. Additionally, there are white gloves that may be based on the Mario Brothers' gloves.

When the player views the Treasure Items screen when it is complete, they will receive a "perfect!" (Japanese: パーフェクト!) message which shows Starfy and Moe in a pile of treasure.

Below is a table of each Treasure Item and where it is found.

Stage Sprite Treasure Item name Japanese name Location
1 Lobber's Cave Bow 弓,Yumi Door north-west of Herman requiring a Spin Jump.
2 Lobber's Cave Dice サイコロ, Saikoro Door past the east-most Seal Blocks from the second map.
3 Lobber's Cave Fountain Pen 万年筆,Mannen Hitsu From the second map, enter the east-most door not requiring Starfy to break some Seal Blocks.
From there, enter the door in the middle of the map above some Seal Blocks.
4 Coral Reef Bell ベル,Beru From the first map, enter the top-right door.
Go to the map where the player first meets Moe, and go through the door past the Seal Blocks in that map.
5 Coral Reef Hammer トンカチ, Tonkachi From the first map, enter the top-right door.
Go through the first current, break the Seal Blocks, and enter the door.
6 Coral Reef Letter 手紙,Tegami Defeat Konk again (on the way through the top-right most door from the first map).
7 Stranded Whale Key カギ, Kagi Requires the Catfish Boat. Go inside the whale and enter the first door past the Seal Blocks.
8 Stranded Whale Alarm Clock 目ざまし時計,Mezamashi Tokei Requires the Mole Tank. Go inside the whale and enter the right-most door.
Go through the top-right most door behind three Seal Blocks.
Use the Mole Tank to dig down until there is a door.
The Treasure Box is through the door.
9 Stranded Whale Snake ヘビ, Hebi Go inside the whale and enter the right-most door.
Enter the top-most door that doesn't require breaking any Seal Blocks.
Enter the right-most door then enter the door north-west of Yakoukagami.
Enter the north-west door past two Seal Blocks to get to the map with the Treasure Box.
10 Stranded Whale Purse 財布,Saifu Defeat Bankirosu again (enter the right-most door through the whale, then the middle door)
11 Sea of Ice Dollar Bag ドル袋,Doru Bukuro Enter the top-left door, then enter the bottom-left most door.
Go through the door past two Seal Blocks to find Fukafuka who will give Starfy the Kigurumi.
Go out then enter the right-most door, then enter the right-most door past two Seal Blocks to get to a new map where Starfy has to use the Kigurumi to advance.
12 Sea of Ice Lightbulb 電球,Denkyuu Requires the Magic Set. Enter the top-left door, then enter the bottom-right most door.
Go through the bottom-right most door past two Seal Blocks to get to a map
where Starfy has to use the Magic Set to advance.
13 Sea of Ice Ring ゆびわ, Yubiwa Requires the Balloon. Enter the top-left door, then enter the bottom-right most door.
Go through the first door on the way down and up.
Go through the top-right door past two Seal Blocks to get to a map
where Starfy has to use the Balloon to advance.
14 Sea of Ice Magnifying Glass 虫めがね,Mushimegane Requires the Mole Tank. Enter the top-left door, then enter the top-right most door.
Enter the top-most door twice. Go through the door directly below the Ukizzu.
Enter the top-left door past two Seal Blocks and use the Mole Tank to go through the next top-left door.
15 Sea of Ice Bag バッグ, Baggu Defeat Boerun again.
16 Deep Sea Sword 剣,Ken Enter the bottom-most door, then enter the top-right most door.
Enter the next door then have Ootaruika take Starfy to a new map.
Go to the bottom of the map to find the Treasure Box.
17 Deep Sea Crystal Ball 水晶玉,Suishou Dama Go to the room with Wotsaruto and go through the east-most door.
Have a Buranko take Starfy to a new room with the Treasure Box.
18 Deep Sea Scoop スコップ, Sukoppu Requires the Magic Set. Go to the room with Wotsaruto and go up the water current.
Go down the water current where the Fish Statue used to be near the east-most edge of the map.
Enter the bottom-right most door without going through the bottom of the map.
Navigate a map with the Magic Set to get to the map with the Treasure Box.
19 Deep Sea Egg たまご, Tamago Requires the Catfish Boat. Go to the room with Wotsaruto and go up the water current.
Go down the water current where the Fish Statue used to be near the east-most edge of the map.
Enter the top-left most door without going through the bottom of the map.
Navigate a map with the Catfish Boat to get to the map with the Treasure Box.
20 Deep Sea Flask フラスコ, Furasuko Go to the room with Wotsaruto and go up the water current.
Go through the top-right most door, then through the left-most door.
Follow the route until reaching the Mermaid, then go through the next door to reach a water current maze.
Find Moe to reach a new map with the Treasure Box.
21 Deep Sea Gloves てぶくろ, Tebukuro Defeat Blantern again.
22 Sunken Ship Book 本,Hon Enter the ship, then enter the first door (which Dolfy is blocking).
Enter the top-left door past two Seal Blocks.
Enter the door on the left then enter the next door to return to the previous map but from a door that is higher up.
Jump across the platforms to get to the next door on the right, then enter the next door to go back to the previous map from the highest door.
Jump across the platforms to get to the Treasure Box.
23 Sunken Ship Scroll 巻物,Makimono Requires the Kigurumi. Enter the ship, then enter the bottom-right most door.
Enter the next door, then solve four puzzles to find a Warp Crystal that takes Starfy to a map requiring him to use the Kigurumi.
Go to the next door to find the map with the Treasure Box.
24 Sunken Ship Apple りんご, Ringo
25 Sunken Ship Staff つえ, Tsue
26 Sunken Ship Kettle やかん, Yakan
27 Sunken Ship Shoes くつ, Kutsu Defeat Boctopus again.
28 Undersea Temple Phone でんわ, Denwa
29 Undersea Temple Dog House 犬小屋,Inu Goya
30 Undersea Temple Flowerpot 植木鉢,Ueki Bachi
31 Undersea Temple Chick ひよこ, Hiyoko
32 Undersea Temple Stuffed Toy ぬいぐるみ, Nuigurumi
33 Undersea Temple Rice Ball おにぎり, Onigiri Defeat Doppel again.
34 Sea of Sky Game Boy ゲームボーイ, Gēmu Bōi
35 Sea of Sky Cake ケーキ, Kēki
36 Sea of Sky Umbrella かさ, Kasa
37 Sea of Sky Cup カップ, Kappu
38 Sea of Sky Teacup 湯のみ,Yunomi
39 Sea of Sky Glasses めがね, Megane
40 Pufftop Car くるま, Kuruma
41 Pufftop Peropero Candy ペロペロキャンディ, Peropero Kyandi
42 Pufftop Mushroom きのこ, Kinoko
43 Pufftop Luigi's Cap ルイージの帽子,Ruīji no Boushi
44 Pufftop Poop うんこ, Unko
45 Pufftop Crown おうかん, Oukan Defeat Ogura again.

The "perfect!" screen

Densetsu no Starfy 2

A completed Treasure Items screen from Densetsu no Starfy 2

Treasures are added to the Treasure Items screen when the player clears the 44 (11*4) new areas. Unlike in Densetsu no Starfy, their names are visible in game. There is an additional Treasure Item treasure for when the player beats Ogura again.

Below are the locations of each Treasure.

Stage Sprite Treasure Item name Japanese name
1 Lobber's Cave
(Stage 1-5)
Deer しか, Shika
2 Lobber's Cave
(Stage 1-6)
Metal Rod かなぼう, Kanabou
3 Lobber's Cave
(Stage 1-7)
Plum Blossom うめ, Ume
4 Lobber's Cave
(Stage 1-8)
Knife メス, Mesu
5 Gluglug Lagoon
(Stage 2-5)
Watermelon すいか, Suika
6 Gluglug Lagoon
(Stage 2-6)
Mosquito カ, Ka
7 Gluglug Lagoon
(Stage 2-7)
Kadomatsu かどまつ, Kadomatsu
8 Gluglug Lagoon
(Stage 2-8)
Horsetail つくし, Tsukushi
9 Turtle Turtle Land
(Stage 3-6)
Newspaper しんぶんし, Shinbunshi
10 Turtle Turtle Land
(Stage 3-7)
Shikibou しきぼう, Shikibou
11 Turtle Turtle Land
(Stage 3-8)
Poop うんこ, Unko
12 Turtle Turtle Land
(Stage 3-9)
Coffee コーヒー, Kōhī
13 Slippery Ice Alpine
(Stage 4-6)
Hitodama ひとだま, Hitodama
14 Slippery Ice Alpine
(Stage 4-7)
Manjū まんじゅう, Manjuu
15 Slippery Ice Alpine
(Stage 4-8)
Sea Urchin うに, Uni
16 Slippery Ice Alpine
(Stage 4-9)
Garlic にんにく, Nin'niku
17 Large Tree's Forest
(Stage 5-6)
Bear くま, Kuma
18 Large Tree's Forest
(Stage 5-7)
Baboon まんとひひ, Mantohihi
19 Large Tree's Forest
(Stage 5-8)
Flatfish ひらめ, Hirame
20 Large Tree's Forest
(Stage 5-9)
Fried Egg めだまやき, Medamayaki
21 Pitch Dark Cave
(Stage 6-6)
Grasshopper きりぎりす, Kirigirisu
22 Pitch Dark Cave
(Stage 6-7)
Slide すべりだい, Suberidai
23 Pitch Dark Cave
(Stage 6-8)
Squid いか, Ika
24 Pitch Dark Cave
(Stage 6-9)
Seagull かもめ, Kamome
25 Yeeha Alpine
(Stage 7-6)
Mentaiko めんたいこ, Mentaiko
26 Yeeha Alpine
(Stage 7-7)
Kombu こんぶ, Konbu
27 Yeeha Alpine
(Stage 7-8)
Pig ぶた, Buta
28 Yeeha Alpine
(Stage 7-9)
Mane たてがみ, Tategami
29 Pufftop
(Stage 8-7)
Water Flea みじんこ, Mijinko
30 Pufftop
(Stage 8-8)
Freeze-dried Tofu こうやどうふ, Kouyadoufu
31 Pufftop
(Stage 8-9)
Clothes ふく, Fuku
32 Pufftop
(Stage 8-10)
Grass くさ, Kusa
33 Resshi Lake
(Stage 9-7)
Bamboo Grass ささ, Sasa
34 Resshi Lake
(Stage 9-8)
Sweet Potato さつまいも, Satsumaimo
35 Resshi Lake
(Stage 9-9)
Peach もも, Momo
36 Resshi Lake
(Stage 9-10)
Mochi もち, Mochi
37 Torrent's Waterfall
(Stage 10-7)
Chikuwa ちくわ, Chikuwa
38 Torrent's Waterfall
(Stage 10-8)
Rubber Band わゴム, Wagomu
39 Torrent's Waterfall
(Stage 10-9)
Centipede むかで, Mukade
40 Torrent's Waterfall
(Stage 10-10)
Battery でんち, Denchi
41 Ogura Castle
(Stage 11-6)
Crown おうかん, Oukan
42 Ogura Castle
(Stage 11-7)
Chalk チョーク, Chōku
43 Ogura Castle
(Stage 11-8)
Kurimonaka くりもなか, Kurimonaka
44 Ogura Castle
(Stage 11-9)
Scarecrow かかし, Kakashi
45 Ogura Castle
(Stage 11-10)
Salt しお, Shio